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About 50 Lifes 50 Homes

The 50 Lives 50 Homes project is the first Housing First program in Western Australia, and one of the first in Australia. 50 Lives is a collective impact initiative aiming to provide long-term housing and support to the most vulnerable individuals and families rough sleeping in Perth. The collaborative includes 28 different organisations in Perth (with backbone support from Ruah Community Services) , including homelessness services, housing agencies, health providers, and mental health and community services.

To date, over 200 people have been housed through the 50 Lives project. The Home2Health Team have been involved in the evaluation of 50 Lives since 2016. The evaluation draws on a mix of data including the VI-SPDAT, administrative hospital and police data and interviews with 50 Lives clients and organisations involved in the project.

See below for more information:

Early Initiative: 20 Lifes 20 Homes

The 20 Lives 20 Homes project will be the first place-based trial of the 50 Homes 50 Lives housing first model in the metropolitan area, based in Fremantle. The St Patrick’s 20 Lives 20 Homes team will work along with Ruah and a range of collaborating agencies, to provide intensive wrap around support to individuals facing complex barriers to exiting homelessness. This project is due to commence in 2019.