Homeless Healthcare

Homeless Healthcare is a primary health service for people experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness. It offers a variety of services to help people experiencing homelessness in Perth including:

  • • Street health: Nurses providing care in public places within the Perth CBD and Fremantle to target rough sleepers’ medical needs
  • • Mobile GP: Clinics are provided at homeless drop-in centres throughout the Perth CBD
  • • After-hours support services (AHSS): 24-hour support program provided to 50 Lives 50 Homes clients
  • • RPH in-reach: Supports patients and connects them with community services.
  • • Dual diagnosis service (HODDS) The Home2Health research team has been conducting an ongoing evaluation of these services since 2016.

The Home2Health research team has been conducting an ongoing evaluation of these services since 2016.